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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Gold Butte National Monument

Gold Butte

Inside the rugged 300,000-acre Gold Butte National Monument is an extraordinary variety of pre-historic, historic, geological, and biological treasures. The landscape reveals the story of human habitation over thousands of years, from the rock stories carved by ancient indigenous people to the remnants of Western mining and ranching heritage. Canyons and intricate rock formations sculpted through the millennia by wind and water offer a stunning backdrop and a photographer’s dream. Over 300 miles of designated routes provide the public access to a variety of these features.


From Las Vegas, take Interstate-15 approximately 69 miles north to Exit 112/State Route 170. Travel south on State Route 170 for approximately 3 miles to the Gold Butte Backcountry Byway (Gold Butte Road). Turn right onto the Byway and travel approximately 12 miles to the Monument boundary.

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