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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Shoshone National Forest

Shoshone National Forest
View of front of Sandburg Home surrounded by trees.

From expansive wilderness and back country areas that provide a refuge from everyday life, to campgrounds and picnic sites along travel corridors and in the front country, the Shoshone is a forest for recreation.

Serving as the eastern gateway to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks, the Shoshone provides many opportunities for people to connect with nature.

The Shoshone offers over 1,300 miles of trails, 32 campgrounds, and 11 picnic sites. Four Scenic Byways traverse the Shoshone, offering spectacular views of rugged mountain peaks, expansive plateaus awash in wildflowers, glaciers, rivers and streams, and unparalleled wildlife watching.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack up your family and friends and head for adventure in Wyoming’s great outdoors at Shoshone National Forest.