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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Sequoia National Forest

Sunset over the mountains in Sequoia National Forest


Welcome to one of the most beautiful National Forests for recreation activities. The Sequoia National Forest is sure to provide a wonderful recreational experience.

Finding a Recreation Area or Activity

On our website, recreation opportunities are organized by districts or activity type. Note the area on our forest you'd like to stay or explore, under the right column heading 'Areas & Activities', 'Find an Area' select the district that covers that area, then view/select the available recreation activities. Or, choose an activity under the Recreation heading on the left side of the webpage and see where on the forest it is offered. Either way, we're sure you'll find exceptional recreation opportunities on the The Sequoia National Forest.

Select the district you plan to visit:

You can learn more by viewing our Recreation Opportunity Guides as well.

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