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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Cherohala Skyway - Tennessee

Cherohala Skyway - Tennessee

The Skyway presents the cultural heritage of the Cherokee tribe and early settlers in a grand forest environment in the Appalachian Mountains. Enjoy mile-high vistas and brilliant fall foliage, as well as great hiking opportunities and picnic spots in magnificent and seldom-seen portions of the southern Appalachian National Forests.


Getting to the Byway:

###From Knoxville, TN to Cherohala Skyway * Take I-75 southwest to Sweetwater. * Get on TN-68 and go southwest to Tellico Plains. * Take TN-165 through Tellico Plains to where the byway begins. ###From Chattanooga, TN to Cherohala Skyway * Take I-24 east to I-75. * Follow I-75 northeast to Sweetwater. * Get on TN-68 and go southeast to Tellico Plains. * Take TN-165 through Tellico Plains to where the byway begins.

Navigating the Byway:
* The Tennessee portion of the Skyway begins at the NC/TN state line. * Drive west on TN 165 through the Cherokee National Forest to the information station on SR 165 east of Tellico Plains, TN, where the Skyway ends.

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