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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Hamilton Grange National Memorial

Gravel parking area with steps to tent area

Merchant’s clerk, Revolutionary War soldier, first Secretary Treasury of the United States: Alexander Hamilton’s life is memorialized at The Grange, the home he built on a country estate in uptown Manhattan. A faithful testament to early American architecture, it stands today as a tribute to its first owner’s many accomplishments.


Hamilton Grange National Memorial is in Saint Nicholas Park in Manhattan. It is located at 414 West 141st Street, between Convent Avenue and St. Nicholas Avenue. There is no parking available on-site, and street parking in the area is very limited.

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Hamilton Grange National Memorial Tours Ticket Facility

A founding father’s Harlem home. Alexander Hamilton created the tools for the success of the United States. From his humble beginnings as an orphan on the Caribbean Island of Nevis, he became George Washington's right-hand man. Come visit Hamilton Grange and find out more about this controversial founder and the country home that he built on his Harlem estate.

Hamilton Grange National Memorial Visitor Center Facility

The Hamilton Grange National Memorial Visitor Center and gift shop are located within the historic home. The entrance is located under the front stairs, to the right.
