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Pullman National Monument

Pullman Clocktower on sunny day

In a growing Chicago neighborhood, diverse people and stories intertwined. All were seeking opportunity. Some succeeded. Others were limited—by race, gender, or economic status. Their stories came together in Pullman, a planned industrial community famed for its urban design and architecture.


The Administration Clock Tower Building Visitor Center is located at the corner of 111th Street and S. Cottage Grove Avenue.

The parking lot entrance on 111th Street (DO NOT drive through the historic stone worker's gate entrance).

Due to local, state, and federal government COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines, the East entrance on the Administration Clock Tower Building will be the only entrance open at this time.

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Administration Clock Tower Building Visitor Center Visitor Center

Start your visit at the Administration Clock Tower Building Visitor Center located at the E. 111th street and S. Cottage Grove Ave. Park staff and volunteers are on-hand to answer questions and provide suggestions on how to enjoy your visit to the monument. Informational displays and artifacts available.
