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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Fort Egbert National Historic Site

In 1899 the Fortymile region and upper Yukon valley were awash with gold miners and settlers lured in by the Klondike Gold Rush. Reports of lawlessness among the newcomers eventually reached Washington D.C. through the tortuously slow communications available at the time. The Army's response, the establishment of Fort Egbert on the Yukon River a few miles from Canada, was to bring profound changes to the region and reshape Alaska's ties to the rest of the nation. Although the fort was largely abandoned in 1911, an Army Signal Corps contingent remained there to operate a telegraph and wireless station until 1925. Today the BLM, in cooperation with the local Eagle Historical Society and Museums, manages five restored structures at Fort Egbert, which is part of the Eagle Historic District National Historic Landmark. Exhibits, an interpretive trail, and a campground are available for visitors.


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