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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Camp Clipper Divisional Camp -Patton

Camp Essex/Clipper were established in 1942.? It had two groups assigned to it including the the 93rd Infantry Division which was an all-black division. After the 93rd division left the camp in May of 1944, it was occupied by Italian POWs. Included at the camp was a 500,000-gallon water reservoir, which is still visible today. You can still see rock-lined walkways, but they are diminishing. There were also reported ranges around the camp, but no traces are present.


From Needles, CA, take I-40 west approx. 45 miles to the Essex Road exit. Exit south, drive over the overpass and re-enter I-40 east. Drive approx. 6 miles on I-40 east and exit at the Rest Area. A monument plaque for the Patton Camp is displayed on the Rest Area grounds.

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