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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

North Escalante Canyons/The Gulch

Much of the area is characterized by plateaus or benches and canyons. The Escalante River has cut a deep, winding canyon from west to east.The area is large and geographically complex. It is associated with a section of the Escalante River Canyon between the Glen Canyon NRA and the highway between Boulder and Escalante, Utah. This area has some of the most outstanding scenery in the country. East of Horse Canyon in the eastern portion of the area, canyons draining to Horse Canyon through the Circle Cliffs escarpment have created a unique canyon and bench system.Wolverine Canyon and Little Death Hollow possess extremely narrow and convoluted sections, but the most distinctive topographic feature is the surface of the benches.

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Located in eastern Garfield County, about 5 miles east of Escalante, Utah.

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