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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

San Luis Hills WSA

The San Luis Hills WSA is characterized by a series of hills, which rise abruptly above the broad San Luis Valley. Most of the hills are rounded, although some cliffs occur in the northern portion of the WSA. John James Gulch and numerous smaller drainages provide topographic screening and create many opportunities for solitude.

Distant views of Sangre de Cristo and San Juan mountain peaks, across the broad and sparsely-populated San Luis Valley, create a wonderful image of vastness. Vegetation, which is sparse due to the arid climate, consists mainly of low-growing desert shrubs and grasses, pinyon and juniper. Fauna is also sparse due to lack of water, but includes mule deer, antelope, various raptors, and various songbirds.

Activities include hiking, backpacking, horseback riding, and photography. For more information, please contact the San Luis Valley Field Office.

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The San Luis Hills WSA is located in Conejos County, approximately three miles southeast of Manassa; 28 miles south of Alamosa.

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