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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

San Juan Islands National Wildlife Refuge

San Juan Islands Refuge consists of 83 rocks, reefs, grassy islands, and forested islands scattered throughout the San Juan Islands of northern Puget Sound. These islands, totaling almost 450 acres, were set aside to protect colonies of nesting seabirds, including pigeon guillemots, double-crested cormorants, and pelagic cormorants.

They also attract a variety of other wildlife, including bald eagles and harbor seals. In order to help maintain the natural character of these islands, all the refuge islands except Matia and Turn are closed to the public.


San Juan Islands Refuge is located on Northern Puget Sound. Best access to the islands is by boat from Anacortes or Friday Harbor. Several of the refuge islands can be viewed from Washington State Ferries that traverse the area. Write for map and regulations.

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