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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Andersonville National Historic Site

Andersonville National Historic Site
Kalaloch campground map

The Camp Sumter military prison at Andersonville was one of the largest Confederate military prisons during the Civil War. During the 14 months the prison existed, more than 45,000 Union soldiers were confined here. Of these, almost 13,000 died here. Today, Andersonville National Historic Site is a memorial to all American prisoners of war throughout the nation's history.


Andersonville National Historic Site is located in southwest Georgia. The park is approximately 12 miles north of Americus and 11 miles south of Montezuma on GA-49.

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National Prisoner of War Museum Facility

At the National Prisoner of War Museum, the story of American prisoners of war (POWs) is powerfully presented through exhibits, audio-visual displays, and historic artifacts. The museum serves as the park's visitor center. You can find information, audio tours, and a gift shop with items about Andersonville, the Civil War, and POWs of other American wars. The museum has a theater where you can view two 30-minute films, including one about Andersonville and one about all American POWs.
