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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Cane River Creole National Historical Park

Oakland Plantation Quarters
Ohanapecosh Campground - Site A014

The Cane River region is home to a unique culture; the Creoles. Generations of the same families of owners and workers, enslaved and tenant, lived on these lands for over 200 years. The park tells their stories and preserves the cultural landscape of Oakland and Magnolia Plantations, two of the most intact Creole cotton plantations in the United States.


To reach Oakland Plantation, take I-49 to Exit 127, Flora/Cypress. Head east on LA Highway 120 toward Cypress. Cross over LA Highway 1 onto LA Highway 494. The parking lot and entrance pavilion for Oakland is 4.5 miles east of Highway 1 on the left.

To reach the grounds of Magnolia Plantation, take I-49 to Exit 119, Derry. Head east on LA Highway 119. Cross over LA Highway 1 and proceed for 1.1 miles. The parking area of Magnolia Plantation is on the right just before the road closure.

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Magnolia Plantation Store Visitor Center

The park does not have a visitor center, though the Magnolia Plantation Store serves as a seasonal visitor contact station as staffing allows. The store houses visitor restrooms, passport stamps, and informational brochures. Visitor restrooms are open daily even if the Store is not staffed.

Oakland Plantation Store Facility

The park does not have a visitor center, though the Oakland Plantation Store is the park's main visitor contact station. Inside the store you'll find historic exhibits, NPS passport stamps, Junior Ranger books, and a gift shop.
