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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Chamizal National Memorial

Ohanapecosh Campground - Site A021

Chamizal is more than just an urban park to recreate or enjoy a quiet afternoon. These grounds are a reminder of the harmonious settlement of a 100-year boundary dispute between the United States and Mexico. We celebrate the cultures of the borderlands to promote the same mutual respect that helped to diplomatically resolve an international disagreement.


Chamizal National Memorial is located in a large, bi-national metropolitan area and easily accessible by road. El Paso International Airport is nearby, as well as an Amtrack train station.

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Chamizal National Memorial Cultural Center Facility

The Chamizal National Memorial Cultural Center includes the theater, exhibit areas, park store and visitor information desk. It also provides visitor access to the Franklin G. Smith Gallery located next door in the Administrative Office Building.
