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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve

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Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve

Covering 3.3 million acres of rugged mountains, dynamic glaciers, temperate rainforest, wild coastlines and deep sheltered fjords, Glacier Bay National Park is a highlight of Alaska's Inside Passage and part of a 25-million acre World Heritage Site—one of the world’s largest international protected areas. From sea to summit, Glacier Bay offers limitless opportunities for adventure and inspiration.


Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve lies west of Juneau, Alaska, and can only be reached by plane or boat. The only road in the area merely connects the small town of Gustavus and its airfield to park headquarters at Bartlett Cove (10 miles). Alaska Airlines provides daily jet service from Juneau to Gustavus in the summer months. Year-round scheduled air service is also provided by a variety of small air taxis and charters. The Alaska Marine Highway ferries also provide regular service from Juneau.

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Xunaa Shuká Hít (Huna Tribal House) Visitor Center

Xunaa Shuká Hít (Huna Tribal House) is open on a limited basis during the summer season (Memorial Day to Labor Day) for scheduled ranger programs. In 2016, after almost 20 years of planning, NPS and the Hoonah Indian Association dedicated Xunaa Shuká Hít (Huna Tribal House), a traditional Tlingit structure designed to symbolically anchor the Huna Tlingit in Glacier Bay, their ancestral homeland.

Bartlett Cove Campground Campground
List of Campsites

The National Park Service maintains a free walk-in campground in Bartlett Cove. The campground features bear-proof food caches, a fire-pit and warming shelter (with firewood provided) located in a very scenic setting along the shore, 1/4 mile south of the Bartlett Cove dock. Stays are limited to 14 days

Glacier Bay National Park Visitor Center Facility

Located on the second floor of Glacier Bay Lodge in Bartlett Cove, 10 miles from Gustavus. Staffed daily in summer with park rangers. Stop by for exhibits, park information, trip planning, bookstore, reading area, hydrophone kiosk, interpretive programs, park films, brochures, and much more.

Visitor Information Station - Backcountry Office Facility

Located near the head of the public-use dock in Bartlett Cove, 10 miles from Gustavus. The "VIS" provides trip planning information, boating and camping permits, and offers boater/camper orientation sessions for visitors heading into the wild backcountry of Glacier Bay. Stop by and meet a park ranger. Closed until 2021 summer season.
