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Independence National Historical Park

The Liberty Bell
Campsite C  62

The park represents the founding ideals of the nation, and preserves national and international symbols of freedom and democracy, including Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution were both debated and signed inside Independence Hall, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


Independence National Historical Park is located in an urban area served by Interstates 95 and 676. The park is also easily accessible by public transportation, including SEPTA and PATCO mass transit routes. Whether you choose driving, the bus or the train, we recommend that you start your visit at the Independence Visitor Center at 6th and Market Streets. See the park's website for specific directions.

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At Independence National Historic Park, the old cracked bell still proclaims "liberty," and Independence Hall still echoes the words "We the People." Explore Benjamin Franklin's Philadelphia and learn about America's past and present struggle to fulfill the Founders' declaration that "all men are created equal."

The citizens of Philadelphia constructed Independence Hall between 1732 and 1756 as the State House of the Province of Pennsylvania. Then, from 1775 to 1783, the Assembly Room of this building served as the meeting place for the Second Continental Congress, which adopted the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. In the same room, they agreed upon the design for the American flag and the Articles of Confederation (1777), and in 1787, the Constitutional Convention met here and drafted the U. S. Constitution.

The building, inside and out, has been restored wherever possible to its original late-18th century appearance. Most of the furnishings are period pieces, including the "rising sun" chair used by George Washington as he presided over the Constitutional Convention.

While Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell are the main attractions within Independence National Historic Park, there are plenty of other fantastic sites for visitors to see before or after taking a tour.

Spanning over 55 acres on 20 city blocks within the historic district of Philadelphia, the park preserves and interprets many of our country's most important resources associated with the establishment of the United States of America. These sites include the Second Bank of the United States, Congress Hall and Old City Hall. Additionally, the park tells the story of Philadelphia's most famous citizen, Benjamin Franklin, in Franklin Court, where his home once stood.

Summary of Fees - Independence National Historical Park Tours

Independence Visitor Center Facility

The Independence Visitor Center is located at 6th and Market Streets. Pick up a park map, plan your visit, and watch films in the Independence Visitor Center. Ask knowledgeable park rangers about programs, walking tours and special events. City concierge staff will gladly assist you with information about lodgings and restaurants.
