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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Historic Jamestowne Part of Colonial National Historical Park

Campsite C 69

Walk in the steps of Captain John Smith and Pocahontas where a successful English colonization of North America began. Despite early struggles to survive, the 1607 settlement evolved into a prosperous colony. As the colony expanded, the Virginia Indians were pushed out of their homeland. In 1619, the arrival of Africans was recorded, marking the origin of slavery in English North America.


Situated on the banks of the James River, Jamestown is a short distance from many major roadways and highways. For a google map search or GPS, use the following address: 1368 Colonial Parkway, Jamestown, Virginia 23081.

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Historic Jamestowne Visitor Center Facility

Welcome to Historic Jamestowne! Your visit to Historic Jamestowne can be made more enjoyable and memorable with a little advanced planning and knowledge. This can often make the difference between a good visit and a great visit.
