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Pecos National Historical Park

Buffalo Gourd

Pecos is a cultural crossroads through which hunters and gatherers, traders, conquerors and explorers, immigrants, soldiers, ranchers and tourists passed. Walk the trails and imagine Pecos through the centuries. Explore sites where cultural demonstrations and traditional practices continue today - a living legacy of the people who passed this way. Welcome to Pecos, where past is present.


Pecos National Historical Park is 25 miles east of Santa Fe, New Mexico off of Interstate 25. Visitors travelling north on I-25: take exit 299 on to HWY 50 to Pecos village and south two miles on State Road 63.

Those travelling south on I-25: take exit 307 and proceed four miles north to the Park on State Road 63.

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E. E. Fogelson Visitor Center Facility

Begin at the Visitor Center, where you can watch an introductory film or view an excellent museum that covers the region's history and archeology. Before your walk, you'll receive a narrative brochure. You may also purchase an interpretive guide that you take on the Ancestral Sites Trail with you. Be sure to wear sunscreen and bring a water bottle, which you can fill up with chilled water in the Visitor Center.

Pecos National Historical Park Fishing Reservations Ticket Facility


In the midst of pinon, juniper, and ponderosa pine woodlands of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains not far from Santa Fe, the remains of Indian pueblos stand as meaningful reminders of people who once prevailed. Pecos National Historical Park helps visitors explore the cultural exchange and geographic features that played such crucial roles in the rich history of the Pecos Valley.

The Upper Pecos River, its tributaries, and natural resources provide a diverse landscape that has nurtured settlement and facilitated multicultural interactions. These resources were important to people living in the region in the past and continue to be enjoyed by people today.

The park offers fishing permits along three miles of the Pecos River within the park. The park divides the river into three sections or "beats" that are available to reserve in advance for fishing. The "beats" offers anglers roughly one mile on the Pecos River to fish with up to two other people for the day.
