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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Pea Ridge National Military Park

Ohanapecosh Campground - Site D017

On March 7-8, 1862, over 23,000 soldiers fought here to decide the fate of Missouri and was a turning point of the war in the West. The 4,300 acre battlefield honors those who fought and died on these grounds. Pea Ridge was the most pivotal Civil War battle west of the Mississippi River and is one of the most intact Civil War battlefields in the United States.


The entrance road is located on Highway 62, 1.3 miles east of the intersection of Highways 62 and 72. As one is driving along highway 62, watch for the brown road signs directing one to the entrance road to the parks visitor center.

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Pea Ridge National Military Park Visitor Center Facility

There is construction work happen in and around the visitor center and park lot. Please follow all traffic signage in and around the visitor center’s parking lot. Everyone’s patience and understanding it's greatly appreciated while we continue to make improvements.
