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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge

Picnic table, fire pit, and driveway for North Rim Campground, Site 18.

A vast landscape in the heart of New Mexico, Sevilleta National Wildllife Refuge supports four major ecological habitats, encompasses two mountain ranges, and contains stretches of the largest river in the state. The Refuge is unforgettable in its magnitude and austere beauty but is most significant in its function. Unrivaled among our nation's refuges, Sevilleta is managed to maintain the natural processes of flood, fire, and succession that sustain this diverse ecosystem. Vital to migrating birds and other wildlife, Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge is truly as unique and varied as the wildlife it supports.


The refuge headquarters office is located off of I-25, exit 169, approximately 50 miles south of Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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