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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

George W. Andrews Lake

Campsite area

Lake George W. Andrews is named for George William Andrews, who was born in Clayton, Alabama in 1906 and served as a United States Representative from 1944 until his death in 1971. The project was originally named the Columbia Lock and Dam and was renamed for Congressman Andrews in 1972. Lake George W. Andrews day use parks include: Abbie Creek Park and West Bank Park located on the Alabama side, and Coheelee Creek Park located on the Georgia side.


In Dothan take 431 north to Abbeville (27 miles). In Abbeville take Hwy. 10 East to Ft. Gaines, GA. In Ft. Gaines take Hwy 39 north, go 2 miles. ACF/Walter F. George Resource Site building is on the left.

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From Bishop go north on Hwy 395 to Toms Place.Follow Rock Creek Road to Mosquito Flat, and the end of the road where there is paved hiker parking.

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Little Lakes Valley Area:

USFS Webpage for: Little Lakes Valley.

Long Description

Easy access to a beautiful chain of lakes make Little Lakes Valley popular for fishing, day hikes and beginning backpackers. Glaciers carved this extensive chain of lakes, both large and small. Wildflowers bloom in the high elevation framed by the spectacular 13,000-foot peaks of Bear Creek Spire, Mt Dade, Mt. Abbot and Mt. Mills. Some evidence of historical mining equipment can be seen, along with an old road bed at Morgan Pass. This is an active bear area so you must use bear canisters to secure your food and refuse. Day hiking does not need a permit. Separate quotas apply to other area trails, including the Mono Pass Trail. Refer to the area map for trail names.


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