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Recreation Areas and Campground Database

National Parks of New York Harbor

Manhattan skyline as seen from Governors Island National Monument

These 12 sites preserve more than 400 years of American history! We invite you to explore the past and investigate its relevance in our lives today. From the birth of American democracy to the evolution of commerce, harbor defense, ecology and immigration, the breadth of themes commemorated through the National Parks of New York Harbor reflect the richness and diversity of our heritage.


For specific directions to each of the twelve national parks in New York Harbor please check their webpages. To get to our offices at Federal Hall National Memorial: The main entrance of Federal Hall is located at 26 Wall Street, near the corner of Wall Street and Nassau Street. The rear entrance, which is wheelchair accessible, is located at 15 Pine Street, near the intersection of Pine Street and Nassau Street. It is highly recommended that all visitors use mass transit when traveling to Federal Hall.

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